Indian summer has taken hold of the Eastern Sierra. Cold nights and early mornings turn to warm days that requires no additional clothes to stay warm like that sweat shirt or jacket you’re wearing at night. Brown trout are in the rivers and streams spawning. There is no law against fishing for actively spawning trout. I prefer to leave the actively spawning trout alone on their spawning beds and fish for them in the deep holes or runs where they are resting and feeding. While San Juan worms and egg patterns produce trophy trout, I find that bigger nymphs like a stoner nymph, gold/green wire nymph, and a cooper John produce as much or more trophy trout than egg and worm patterns.
No jackets needed as fly fishers are still wearing long sleeve shirts to protect them from the sun’s harmful rays.
Lower Owens River
Wild Trout Section:
The words out and lots of fly fishers are tossing flies on the catch and release section of the lower Owens River. Fly fishing will be good for another week or two until most of the wild trout have been caught and released at least once. Flows on the lower Owens River continue to drop and presently are at 85 CFS. At these flows most fly fishers have complete access to the river channel and hidden spots that are not available at higher flows. A blue wing olive mayfly is offering great fly fishing middle of the day as these insects hatch. Nymphing before and during the hatch with a good match for the emerging mayflies like a size 18 olive quilldigons and size 20 bead head flash back pheasant tail nymphs. If you’re on the right pool when the hatch comes off you can fish a size 20 blue wing olive parachute.
Noah Fortes from San Diego learning how to get a drag free drift while fishing a gold ribbed hare’s ear under an indicator.
Hot Creek:
Interpretive Site:
Mid-day hatches of caddis and blue wing olive mayflies are offering good fly fishing opportunities for dry fly fishers. Size 20 blue wing olive parachutes and size 20 gray parachute caddis are the flies I’m fishing to fool these finicky trout. A drag free drift with 6X tippet is what is needed to fool these wary wild rainbow and brown trout. It can take a lot of casts to get that one perfect drag free drift that will reward the fly fisher with a finicky wild trout.
Lance Aguilar from Rancho Palos Verdes showing the results of a drag free drift with a size 20 blue wing olive parachute.
Hot Creek Canyon Section:
Freezing nights and less daylight is causing the weed beds to begin their annual break up. This makes fishing with nymphs in the low water of fall easier. Working gray caddis nymphs in size 20 and bead head flash back pheasant tail nymphs in size 20 is fooling the wild trout before and during the hatch. Once the hatch is in full swing, I switch to dry flies using size 20 blue wing olive parachutes and gray size 20 partridge spent caddis or gray size 20 parachute caddis.
Upper Owens River:
Above Benton Crossing Bridge:
Trophy trout from Crowley Lake have made their way up from Crowley Lake and can now be found in the entire Owens River System. Trophy trout are stacked up in deep holes and runs. They have seen a lot of flies already and a good drift with the right fly is needed to fool these wary trophy trout. I like fishing with size 12 stoner nymphs and size 12 green/gold wire Prince nymphs. Copper Johns in red and copper both work well. There are a few resident trout taking bead head flash back pheasant tail nymphs and bead head flash back gold ribbed hare’s ears in size 14 and 16.
Bruce Downs from Tehachapi with a typical trophy trout from the upper Owens River.
Upper Owens River:
Below Benton Crossing Bridge:
A school of trophy trout went through this area last week. There are still trophy trout heading up the river from the lake. These migrating fish are moving through this area on their way upstream to their spawning beds. Fly fishers covering water will find schools of migrating fish moving up river. Fishing with stoner nymphs, green/gold wire Prince nymphs is working for Euro nymphers. Fly fishers throwing black wooly buggers, black slump busters, and black zonkers through the deep holes and runs are fooling the trophy trout in the river.
Bishop Creek Canal Behind the Ford Dealer:
A mid-day blue wing olive mayfly hatch is providing action for fly fishers fishing the canal with a dry and dropper rig, a Euro nymph rig, and a dry fly. A size 20 blue wing olive parachute is the pattern of choice during the emergence. Before and after the hatch nymphing is producing lots of wild brown trout. The warm days of fall watching a dry fly get sucked in by a wild trout is what the canal is offering right now. Great time to be on the canal fly fishing.
Michael Pohl of La Quinta working a dry and a dropper rig in Bishop Creek Canal.