The storms have moved through and it’s time to clean up after the rain and snow. At upper elevations the snow equipment is slowly cleaning up all the snow from roads, walk ways, roofs, and parking lots. I will be waiting a few more days for others to develop trails through the snow to try snow shoeing or walking into the upper Owens River and or Hot Creek. There is mud, rocks, and debris on the roads to the lower Owens River and Bishop Creek Canal. The waters in the Owens Valley are slowly clearing and should be fishable by the weekend.
Lower Owens River:
Wild Trout Section:
Low clearance vehicles will have problems accessing the lower Owens River on Chalk Bluff Road. Today there was a small boulder – big rock in the road. It was not there two days before. It was big enough to do major damage to a vehicle. The river is a brown color and nymphing is tough. The only hatch I’m seeing is a sporadic midge hatch. I’m fishing with olive quillldigons, hot spot pheasant tail nymphs, stoner nymphs, two tone green/gold Prince nymphs, tiger midges, and zebra midges. I’m not seeing any rising trout.
Hot Creek:
Interpretive Site:
This area got pounded by the snow. It will be a few days until I check out the interpretive site for fly fishing. You’re going to have to walk in from Hot Creek Hatchery Road. I’m going to be fishing with midge patterns and maybe a pheasant tail nymph.
Hot Creek:
Canyon Section:
This section is now inaccessible by vehicles. Fly fishers are going to have to park at the end of the plowed Hot Creek Hatchery Road which is at the entrance to Hot Creek Ranch. Fly fishers are going to need to snow shoe and cross country ski in to access the canyon. In and out of the canyon is going to require care with all the snow. It will be sometime next week before I get up to attempt to fly fish in the canyon. I will be nymphing with midge and mayfly patterns.
Upper Owens River:
Above Benton Crossing Bridge:
Benton Crossing Landfill closed as of January 1, 2023. This means that Benton Crossing Road past the animal control shelter is a low priority for plowing during big storms. At the time of this report the road was still not completely plowed out to Benton Crossing Bridge. There was some trophy trout moving into the upper Owens River between the storms. I’m waiting for the snow to settle and good snow trails to be established before I venture out to the river. I like fishing with big nymphs for the trophy trout. I fish with size 12 stoner nymphs and green/gold Prince nymphs. These patterns work for me any time that there are trophy trout in the river.
Bishop Creek Canal:
Behind the Ford Dealer:
The water is up and clearing. This allows me to get close enough to the fish without spooking them. I’m nymphing with the Euro rod and under an indicator with stoner nymphs, green/gold Prince nymphs, olive quilldigons, hot spot pheasant tail nymphs, zebra midges, and tiger midges. Stocker rainbows and wild brown trout are feeding in the deeper holes and faster water sections.